Monday, 24 November 2008

Use The Allowed Sites Function Too

The allowed sites function within your adsense control panel allows you to control what websites or web pages displays your adsense ads and personal earning code, this is particularly useful when you don't want your adsense code appearing on google banned sites like those that promote drugs, violence and all that illegal stuff your momma warned you against in the world.

This has become a slight problem for other bloggers and webmasters out there who have had their ad code swiped with their adsense id too with the whole intentional purpose of maliciously getting other peoples adsense accounts banned, this tool provides up to 200 allowed site url's to be added, so it's best to list all the websites you have your adsense code on.

Use this tool to your advantage early on, so you stay within the policies of Adsense and keep your account earning money for you.

1 comment:

Internet-and-Businesses-Online said...

very nice this post...thanks for sharing your knoledge